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Mint vs. Personal Capital – The Ultimate Financial Tool Throwdown

Mint vs. Personal Capital – The Ultimate Financial Tool Throwdown

It’s here my financial friends. The ultimate throwdown!  Today, we pit two of the best financial tools against each other to see who comes out on top. That’s right, we are going to compare and Personal Capital to see which free tool is better!  I got this idea back when someone basically asked me: “…

Perseverance Breeds Success

Perseverance Breeds Success

No matter what your goal, or how long it takes you to get there, the chances of you succeeding at your goal is based largely on your willingness to persevere.  Why is it that perseverance breeds success?  Let’s start with the definition of perseverance.  Dictionaries defines perseverance this way: Perseverance: steadfastness in doing something despite…

Boost Mobile Review – My Thoughts After Testing the Service

Boost Mobile Review – My Thoughts After Testing the Service

I have been reviewing cell phone providers for a long time, longer than this blog has been around. I have a few “test” phones around my house just for this purpose. The reason I do it is because I got really tired of paying inflated prices on the big networks. I had Verizon for a long time and just accepted their prices. They do have one of the best networks around, but you pay a premium for it. I was never mad at their service, just their prices. I broke up with Verizon nearly two years ago and have since been on a mission to try my hand at other networks. Today, I am going to provide you with my Boost Mobile review.

How to Unlock Your Phone on the Big Carriers

How to Unlock Your Phone on the Big Carriers

I talk a lot about cell phones and their respective services. Why? First, I love technology, absolutely love it. It is my weakness and the main reason why I started my e-commerce business back in the day. Second, I realize cell phones are very popular. Almost everyone has one and they are now a mainstay in our lives. Third, I feel everyone deserves the opportunity to get good service at a good price. I typically review and talk about discount services instead of the big boys, but that all depends on how I feel! I review these services to give anyone the opportunity to find a feasible solution to the big name carriers. Why do you need to spend $150 a month just for two smartphones? I don’t think so. Here, I will show you how to unlock your phone on the big carriers.

My Argument For Married Couples Keeping Separate Finances

My Argument For Married Couples Keeping Separate Finances

First, let me give mad props to my fellow personal finance blogger, Holly of Club Thrifty, for rocking a Wall Street Journal essay and a Fox Business TV interview. She was dealing with the topic of money and marriage. This is a very controversial topic in the world of personal finance and I understand why. I wrote about it briefly some time ago when I was talking about paying off a spouses debt when they incurred it before marriage. That one got me some angry comments and emails, but I powered through. I don’t mind causing a little controversy. I read both the arguments on the WSJ piece and I am going to provide my argument for separate finances for married couples.

Money Talks – The Power and Influence of Money

Money Talks – The Power and Influence of Money

You have probably heard of the saying “money talks!” If you haven’t then it is a simple premise. If you have money, then you have power and influence. The more money you have, then the more power and influence you have. We see this premise in action everywhere really. It really shows up in business and politics. I figured I would share a story with you that would bring home this phrase. You probably don’t need a story to understand that money really does talk, but you are getting one anyway. This is about a co-worker that was deep into politics, so much that she was planning a career switch.

Cell Phone Providers

Looking For A Cell Phone Provider? There is a large shift out there with regards to mobile phone providers.  People are looking to lower their monthly expenses and cell phone service has become a viable opportunity. I used to be with Verizon, but after having a hard time with their customer service and paying a…