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Mint vs. Personal Capital – The Ultimate Financial Tool Throwdown

Mint vs. Personal Capital – The Ultimate Financial Tool Throwdown

It’s here my financial friends. The ultimate throwdown!  Today, we pit two of the best financial tools against each other to see who comes out on top. That’s right, we are going to compare and Personal Capital to see which free tool is better!  I got this idea back when someone basically asked me: “…

Blog Categories

I cover a lot of material on Wealth Bytes. The reason is because I get a lot of questions about money. I’m certainly OK with that, but I figured I would try to push all of the categories in one place so you can easily find a topic you want to look for. It’s easier…

Simple Savings Sunday – The Lowest Price Isn’t Always the Best Price

Simple Savings Sunday – The Lowest Price Isn’t Always the Best Price

Welcome to another edition of Simple Savings Sunday! I love these little tidbits of savings advice as much as the next person. I really do!  Today is going to be one that might confuse some of you and it’s about shopping for the lowest price. Now, I’m not saying shopping for the “best” price, but…

I’m a Money Hoarder!

I’m a Money Hoarder!

I have a confession my friends.  It’s not something I’m really happy about, but the truth hurts sometimes. I have a problem and I’m working hard to fix it. I’m a hoarder, everyone. Yes, that’s right, I hoard, but not things, just money!  I’m a money hoarder and I’m working to change it.  While it…

Perseverance Breeds Success

Perseverance Breeds Success

No matter what your goal, or how long it takes you to get there, the chances of you succeeding at your goal is based largely on your willingness to persevere.  Why is it that perseverance breeds success?  Let’s start with the definition of perseverance.  Dictionaries defines perseverance this way: Perseverance: steadfastness in doing something despite…

When Life Gives You Lemons, Don’t Just Make Lemonade!

When Life Gives You Lemons, Don’t Just Make Lemonade!

I’m sure most of you have heard the phrase “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” The basis of this quote or phrase is when you are given an opportunity, do something with it. When life gives you a lemon, don’t just say “thanks” and move on. Do something with the lemon, like make lemonade. To tell you the truth, I kind of live by this quote. I know I got my drive from my parents, who work their butts off and do well doing it. They never let their foot off the gas. When life gives them an opportunity, they tend to take it. I’m the same way. Not only that, but I try and find my own lemons on occasion. I don’t always like to wait for life to give me a lemon, I want to find it and create the opportunity. Though this quote is inspirational, I don’t feel it tells the entire story. I wanted to expand on it and make it my own, because I can!