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Perseverance Breeds Success

Perseverance Breeds Success

No matter what your goal, or how long it takes you to get there, the chances of you succeeding at your goal is based largely on your willingness to persevere.  Why is it that perseverance breeds success?  Let’s start with the definition of perseverance.  Dictionaries defines perseverance this way: Perseverance: steadfastness in doing something despite…

Capital One 360 Review – Easy to Use Online Banking

Capital One 360 Review – Easy to Use Online Banking

I have had a Capital One 360 checking account for some time now, so I figured it would be time to provide a review of the service. Many of you might know of this service, but Capital One bought ING Direct and relabeled the banking service to Capital One 360. They offer both a checking and savings account, which are online only. They are essentially an electronic checking and savings account. I have really enjoyed the service and Capital One made it extremely easy to setup. Here is my Capital One 360 review.

Good News Capital One 360 Members, You Can Deposit Cash!

Good News Capital One 360 Members, You Can Deposit Cash!

I received an email yesterday from Capital One 360. Since I’m a member and have a checking and savings account with them, I was happy to see this change. Capital One 360 has been going through some changes, but they are making it a little better now. You can now deposit cash at Capital One ATMs! That’s right! It used to be a pain to deposit money into Capital One 360, especially cash.

The Income Gap Is Affecting Our Eating Habits And Health

The Income Gap Is Affecting Our Eating Habits And Health

Being buried in debt and struggling to make ends meet every month can stress you out and have a negative impact on your overall health. This type of stress is one thing that the wealthy never have to worry about. But there are other ways in which the income gap between the rich and poor is affecting our health, and that was the subject of a recent article on MSN Money. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, while American eating habits did improve between 1999 and 2010 the improvements were not reflected evenly across the board.

Straight Talk Review – Bring Your Own Phone and Save

Straight Talk Review – Bring Your Own Phone and Save

I have been testing out the Straight Talk service for a little bit now, so I figured I would post a review of how it has been going. There have been many questions from readers in regards to this topic, as I am sure many have been wondering how to get away from the big carriers, AT&T and Verizon. Since I am using the Straight Talk bring your own phone program, that is what I will be reviewing. Straight Talk uses SIM cards that are compatible with either AT&T’s or T-Mobile’s network.

My Argument For Married Couples Keeping Separate Finances

My Argument For Married Couples Keeping Separate Finances

First, let me give mad props to my fellow personal finance blogger, Holly of Club Thrifty, for rocking a Wall Street Journal essay and a Fox Business TV interview. She was dealing with the topic of money and marriage. This is a very controversial topic in the world of personal finance and I understand why. I wrote about it briefly some time ago when I was talking about paying off a spouses debt when they incurred it before marriage. That one got me some angry comments and emails, but I powered through. I don’t mind causing a little controversy. I read both the arguments on the WSJ piece and I am going to provide my argument for separate finances for married couples.

Money Talks – The Power and Influence of Money

Money Talks – The Power and Influence of Money

You have probably heard of the saying “money talks!” If you haven’t then it is a simple premise. If you have money, then you have power and influence. The more money you have, then the more power and influence you have. We see this premise in action everywhere really. It really shows up in business and politics. I figured I would share a story with you that would bring home this phrase. You probably don’t need a story to understand that money really does talk, but you are getting one anyway. This is about a co-worker that was deep into politics, so much that she was planning a career switch.

Six Home Improvements That Can Add Value When You Sell

Six Home Improvements That Can Add Value When You Sell

One of the popular ways to build long-term wealth is to own your own home. While simply owning a home and paying down a mortgage over time will lead a significant amount of wealth creation, those that are looking to maximize the amount of equity that they could ultimately have in their homes should look for ways to improve their home. Those that are looking for home improvement projects to consider, here are six specific home improvements that could add the most amount of value to your home when you ultimately try to sell your home.

American Express Personal Savings Review – A Good Option

American Express Personal Savings Review – A Good Option

As a reformed spender, I love the opportunity to save money. Unfortunately for all of us savers, the economy is not really geared to rewarding us for holding onto our money. Even with low interest rates, I still love to save money and want to tell you about the American Express personal savings account. One of my goals is to give my readers options on where they store their cash. I am a big proponent of spreading your liquid assets in different places, so adding another savings account is no big thing for me. I am also a big fan of American Express, because they are the holder of one of my favorite cash back credit cards. Since my large banks are giving their savings customers a paltry 0.10%, anything better than that is good for everyone!