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The Early Birds Can Have Their Worms…I’m Looking for a Mouse!

The Early Birds Can Have Their Worms…I’m Looking for a Mouse!

Who hasn’t heard the saying “the early bird gets the worm?” It’s been one I’ve heard over and over again my entire life. The premise of this saying is those who get up early get more stuff done and have more opportunities throughout the day.  Whomever starts first has the best chance for success. I…

Mint vs. Personal Capital – The Ultimate Financial Tool Throwdown

Mint vs. Personal Capital – The Ultimate Financial Tool Throwdown

It’s here my financial friends. The ultimate throwdown!  Today, we pit two of the best financial tools against each other to see who comes out on top. That’s right, we are going to compare and Personal Capital to see which free tool is better!  I got this idea back when someone basically asked me: “…

Shopping Guide – How to Share Your Amazon Prime Account

Shopping Guide – How to Share Your Amazon Prime Account

On August 1st, 2015, Amazon changed the way they allow you to share your Amazon Prime account. You are no longer able to share with people outside of your household, unless you want to provide them with direct access to use your credit card associated with your Prime account. You can learn more from our…

Simple Savings Sunday – The Lowest Price Isn’t Always the Best Price

Simple Savings Sunday – The Lowest Price Isn’t Always the Best Price

Welcome to another edition of Simple Savings Sunday! I love these little tidbits of savings advice as much as the next person. I really do!  Today is going to be one that might confuse some of you and it’s about shopping for the lowest price. Now, I’m not saying shopping for the “best” price, but…

I’m a Money Hoarder!

I’m a Money Hoarder!

I have a confession my friends.  It’s not something I’m really happy about, but the truth hurts sometimes. I have a problem and I’m working hard to fix it. I’m a hoarder, everyone. Yes, that’s right, I hoard, but not things, just money!  I’m a money hoarder and I’m working to change it.  While it…

Perseverance Breeds Success

Perseverance Breeds Success

No matter what your goal, or how long it takes you to get there, the chances of you succeeding at your goal is based largely on your willingness to persevere.  Why is it that perseverance breeds success?  Let’s start with the definition of perseverance.  Dictionaries defines perseverance this way: Perseverance: steadfastness in doing something despite…