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Boost Mobile Review – My Thoughts After Testing the Service

Boost Mobile Review – My Thoughts After Testing the Service

I have been reviewing cell phone providers for a long time, longer than this blog has been around. I have a few “test” phones around my house just for this purpose. The reason I do it is because I got really tired of paying inflated prices on the big networks. I had Verizon for a long time and just accepted their prices. They do have one of the best networks around, but you pay a premium for it. I was never mad at their service, just their prices. I broke up with Verizon nearly two years ago and have since been on a mission to try my hand at other networks. Today, I am going to provide you with my Boost Mobile review. Smartcam Review – Wireless Monitoring Camera
| Smartcam Review – Wireless Monitoring Camera

As a fan of both DIY and technology, I will always jump at the chance to review and test wireless video monitoring equipment. Luckily for me, that chance came up recently. There is a new product on the market to jump into the wireless monitoring arena. DXG has created their Smartcam product line to compete with the likes of Dropcam and D-Link. I enjoy competition as it allows for people to make an educated guess on what is the best. I have had a Dropcam for some time and have enjoyed it. There are some quirks, so this Smartcam review will be based on a comparison between the two.

How to Unlock Your Phone on the Big Carriers

How to Unlock Your Phone on the Big Carriers

I talk a lot about cell phones and their respective services. Why? First, I love technology, absolutely love it. It is my weakness and the main reason why I started my e-commerce business back in the day. Second, I realize cell phones are very popular. Almost everyone has one and they are now a mainstay in our lives. Third, I feel everyone deserves the opportunity to get good service at a good price. I typically review and talk about discount services instead of the big boys, but that all depends on how I feel! I review these services to give anyone the opportunity to find a feasible solution to the big name carriers. Why do you need to spend $150 a month just for two smartphones? I don’t think so. Here, I will show you how to unlock your phone on the big carriers.

How to Replace a Lamp Socket Quickly – DIY

How to Replace a Lamp Socket Quickly – DIY

Welcome to the first Debt Roundup DIY post! In my new house update, I told you I was going to be adding some new do it yourself content in order to help those looking to save some cash and learn a few things. Yes, that is me in the video above. I am a huge DIY advocate. I think you can learn so much while trying to accomplish tasks on your own. I fix my own cars, build fences, fix plumbing, run electrical, and have moderate carpentry skills. If something comes up in my house, I am going to try to build or repair it on my own. Why not? I have saved thousands by doing things on my own. Not only that, but I have learned valuable skills. Today, I am going to show you how to replace a lamp socket. Why is this one first? Well, here is the back story and how to do it.

Top 10 Overlooked Causes of Debt

Top 10 Overlooked Causes of Debt

Over the past decade, more and more people have found themselves deep in financial debt. While there may be some obvious reasons why some people have gotten into debt, there are also many other overlooked factors that could have led to their accumulation of debt. I have spent a good amount of my adult life in debt. I know how it feels. There is nothing fun about it, but that doesn’t mean it has to define you. Remember that you are the one in control of your money, so don’t let it take control of you. We all make mistakes and debt should be one that you only make once. I don’t plan on making the debt mistake again, so I hope you do the same.

American Express Personal Savings Review – A Good Option

American Express Personal Savings Review – A Good Option

As a reformed spender, I love the opportunity to save money. Unfortunately for all of us savers, the economy is not really geared to rewarding us for holding onto our money. Even with low interest rates, I still love to save money and want to tell you about the American Express personal savings account. One of my goals is to give my readers options on where they store their cash. I am a big proponent of spreading your liquid assets in different places, so adding another savings account is no big thing for me. I am also a big fan of American Express, because they are the holder of one of my favorite cash back credit cards. Since my large banks are giving their savings customers a paltry 0.10%, anything better than that is good for everyone!

Why You Should Choose a Local Appliance Store

Why You Should Choose a Local Appliance Store

There comes a time in all of our lives that we have to make large purchases. Let’s face it, that is just how our lives work right now. Our modern lives demand dishwashers, refrigerators, washing machines and dryers. When we find ourselves looking to buy a new appliance, we shop around. We read the reviews, we analyze the reports, and we watch the sales. Here is my story about why you shouldn’t go with the lowest price, but shop based on the type of service that you will receive after the purchase is made.

Dear Verizon, This Is Our Final Goodbye!

Dear Verizon, This Is Our Final Goodbye!

Dear Verizon Wireless, I have been a loyal customer of your cell phone service since I was 16. You provided the best service at a reasonable price. You allowed me to get a nice phone for very little money and pay it off on my bill every month. Then, you would reduce my bill after the phone was paid for. Those were the days! Unfortunately, times have changed. Here is our final goodbye letter letting you know that were are dumping you for someone a little less flashy, but way more affordable.

Worldwide College Tuition Comparison

Worldwide College Tuition Comparison

I came across this new infographic that broke down some of the most popular colleges around the world and how much the tuition compares. I think this is really interesting, especially since we are dealing with exploding tuition prices here in the US. One of our biggest problems as a nation is the out of control costs associated with higher education. This massive increase in costs is just passed over the the student and typically in the form of student loans.

3 Budget-Friendly Alternatives to Home Security Equipment

3 Budget-Friendly Alternatives to Home Security Equipment

When struggling with debt or making ends meet on a budget, it can be a bitter pill to swallow a monthly subscription fee for your home security needs. Sure, automated alarm systems can help deter home invaders and have been shown to limit the time they spend inside once they’ve broken in. But for those who want to make ends meet first (or supplement their home security measures already in place,) following simple home security tips and investing in cost-effective alternatives to traditional home security measures can save you hundreds of dollars.