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The Early Birds Can Have Their Worms…I’m Looking for a Mouse!

The Early Birds Can Have Their Worms…I’m Looking for a Mouse!

Who hasn’t heard the saying “the early bird gets the worm?” It’s been one I’ve heard over and over again my entire life. The premise of this saying is those who get up early get more stuff done and have more opportunities throughout the day.  Whomever starts first has the best chance for success. I…

I’m a Money Hoarder!

I’m a Money Hoarder!

I have a confession my friends.  It’s not something I’m really happy about, but the truth hurts sometimes. I have a problem and I’m working hard to fix it. I’m a hoarder, everyone. Yes, that’s right, I hoard, but not things, just money!  I’m a money hoarder and I’m working to change it.  While it…

Survey Thank You

Thank You For Your Feedback! No, really I do. I pride myself on the articles that I can provide to help anyone with debt and growing wealth. When you take the time to answer my survey, it shows that you are willing to help this community grow. This is how a blog succeeds, so thank…

When Life Gives You Lemons, Don’t Just Make Lemonade!

When Life Gives You Lemons, Don’t Just Make Lemonade!

I’m sure most of you have heard the phrase “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” The basis of this quote or phrase is when you are given an opportunity, do something with it. When life gives you a lemon, don’t just say “thanks” and move on. Do something with the lemon, like make lemonade. To tell you the truth, I kind of live by this quote. I know I got my drive from my parents, who work their butts off and do well doing it. They never let their foot off the gas. When life gives them an opportunity, they tend to take it. I’m the same way. Not only that, but I try and find my own lemons on occasion. I don’t always like to wait for life to give me a lemon, I want to find it and create the opportunity. Though this quote is inspirational, I don’t feel it tells the entire story. I wanted to expand on it and make it my own, because I can!

Boost Mobile Review – My Thoughts After Testing the Service

Boost Mobile Review – My Thoughts After Testing the Service

I have been reviewing cell phone providers for a long time, longer than this blog has been around. I have a few “test” phones around my house just for this purpose. The reason I do it is because I got really tired of paying inflated prices on the big networks. I had Verizon for a long time and just accepted their prices. They do have one of the best networks around, but you pay a premium for it. I was never mad at their service, just their prices. I broke up with Verizon nearly two years ago and have since been on a mission to try my hand at other networks. Today, I am going to provide you with my Boost Mobile review.

The Income Gap Is Affecting Our Eating Habits And Health

The Income Gap Is Affecting Our Eating Habits And Health

Being buried in debt and struggling to make ends meet every month can stress you out and have a negative impact on your overall health. This type of stress is one thing that the wealthy never have to worry about. But there are other ways in which the income gap between the rich and poor is affecting our health, and that was the subject of a recent article on MSN Money. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, while American eating habits did improve between 1999 and 2010 the improvements were not reflected evenly across the board.

My Argument For Married Couples Keeping Separate Finances

My Argument For Married Couples Keeping Separate Finances

First, let me give mad props to my fellow personal finance blogger, Holly of Club Thrifty, for rocking a Wall Street Journal essay and a Fox Business TV interview. She was dealing with the topic of money and marriage. This is a very controversial topic in the world of personal finance and I understand why. I wrote about it briefly some time ago when I was talking about paying off a spouses debt when they incurred it before marriage. That one got me some angry comments and emails, but I powered through. I don’t mind causing a little controversy. I read both the arguments on the WSJ piece and I am going to provide my argument for separate finances for married couples.