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My Argument For Married Couples Keeping Separate Finances

My Argument For Married Couples Keeping Separate Finances

First, let me give mad props to my fellow personal finance blogger, Holly of Club Thrifty, for rocking a Wall Street Journal essay and a Fox Business TV interview. She was dealing with the topic of money and marriage. This is a very controversial topic in the world of personal finance and I understand why. I wrote about it briefly some time ago when I was talking about paying off a spouses debt when they incurred it before marriage. That one got me some angry comments and emails, but I powered through. I don’t mind causing a little controversy. I read both the arguments on the WSJ piece and I am going to provide my argument for separate finances for married couples.

Money Talks – The Power and Influence of Money

Money Talks – The Power and Influence of Money

You have probably heard of the saying “money talks!” If you haven’t then it is a simple premise. If you have money, then you have power and influence. The more money you have, then the more power and influence you have. We see this premise in action everywhere really. It really shows up in business and politics. I figured I would share a story with you that would bring home this phrase. You probably don’t need a story to understand that money really does talk, but you are getting one anyway. This is about a co-worker that was deep into politics, so much that she was planning a career switch.

Six Home Improvements That Can Add Value When You Sell

Six Home Improvements That Can Add Value When You Sell

One of the popular ways to build long-term wealth is to own your own home. While simply owning a home and paying down a mortgage over time will lead a significant amount of wealth creation, those that are looking to maximize the amount of equity that they could ultimately have in their homes should look for ways to improve their home. Those that are looking for home improvement projects to consider, here are six specific home improvements that could add the most amount of value to your home when you ultimately try to sell your home.

American Express Personal Savings Review – A Good Option

American Express Personal Savings Review – A Good Option

As a reformed spender, I love the opportunity to save money. Unfortunately for all of us savers, the economy is not really geared to rewarding us for holding onto our money. Even with low interest rates, I still love to save money and want to tell you about the American Express personal savings account. One of my goals is to give my readers options on where they store their cash. I am a big proponent of spreading your liquid assets in different places, so adding another savings account is no big thing for me. I am also a big fan of American Express, because they are the holder of one of my favorite cash back credit cards. Since my large banks are giving their savings customers a paltry 0.10%, anything better than that is good for everyone!

Why You Should Choose a Local Appliance Store

Why You Should Choose a Local Appliance Store

There comes a time in all of our lives that we have to make large purchases. Let’s face it, that is just how our lives work right now. Our modern lives demand dishwashers, refrigerators, washing machines and dryers. When we find ourselves looking to buy a new appliance, we shop around. We read the reviews, we analyze the reports, and we watch the sales. Here is my story about why you shouldn’t go with the lowest price, but shop based on the type of service that you will receive after the purchase is made.

Dear Verizon, This Is Our Final Goodbye!

Dear Verizon, This Is Our Final Goodbye!

Dear Verizon Wireless, I have been a loyal customer of your cell phone service since I was 16. You provided the best service at a reasonable price. You allowed me to get a nice phone for very little money and pay it off on my bill every month. Then, you would reduce my bill after the phone was paid for. Those were the days! Unfortunately, times have changed. Here is our final goodbye letter letting you know that were are dumping you for someone a little less flashy, but way more affordable.

Worldwide College Tuition Comparison

Worldwide College Tuition Comparison

I came across this new infographic that broke down some of the most popular colleges around the world and how much the tuition compares. I think this is really interesting, especially since we are dealing with exploding tuition prices here in the US. One of our biggest problems as a nation is the out of control costs associated with higher education. This massive increase in costs is just passed over the the student and typically in the form of student loans.

How You Can Get Rich Quick – The Truth Of Making Fast Cash

How You Can Get Rich Quick – The Truth Of Making Fast Cash

So, you want to know how to get rich quick? Doesn’t everyone! I wanted to write this to show you how you can get rich quick and live the life you have always wanted. You might love those late night infomercials telling you that if you buy their book or course, they will show you how to make so much money that it will be mind boggling. The only problem is that those people are the only ones getting rich quick. I am going to show you the real truth about making money fast.

How A Window A/C Unit Saved Me Money

How A Window A/C Unit Saved Me Money

My home air conditioner is severely inefficient, so my wife and I decided to look into saving money another way. We love to have our room very cold when we sleep, but we just couldn’t afford it. In a way to save money, I bought a window air conditioner and looked to see how much I would save. Check out my saving experiment and see how much I was able to save each and every month.

A Gym Membership, an Auto-Draft, and a Lawsuit

A Gym Membership, an Auto-Draft, and a Lawsuit

A gym membership is a great way to get in shape, but sometimes things can go wrong. When I was in high school, I signed up with Gold’s Gym for a one year membership. I had used the gym everyday to get in shape and I was enjoying it. One day that all changed with Gold’s Gym couldn’t pull money from my account any more. After a few more months, I got a call from a lawyer representing Gold’s Gym. They were suing me. Here is the full story.

Love and Money – An Internal Debate

Love and Money – An Internal Debate

I have been following the questions posed by Chase Bank back in February about average couples. It is pretty much about love and money. I answered the questions in my head, but not on here because I found one question that I wanted to dig into deeper. I have been having an internal debate about this question. There are some people on the side of a simple yes. They would pay off their spouse’s debt if they had it. They feel that their money is together. Some feel it is part of being married. I, on the other hand, don’t know what I would do, but I lean very much toward no. I think this question is conditional. Let me explain my reasons.