Search Results for: focus

The Early Birds Can Have Their Worms…I’m Looking for a Mouse!

The Early Birds Can Have Their Worms…I’m Looking for a Mouse!

Who hasn’t heard the saying “the early bird gets the worm?” It’s been one I’ve heard over and over again my entire life. The premise of this saying is those who get up early get more stuff done and have more opportunities throughout the day.  Whomever starts first has the best chance for success. I…

Mint vs. Personal Capital – The Ultimate Financial Tool Throwdown

Mint vs. Personal Capital – The Ultimate Financial Tool Throwdown

It’s here my financial friends. The ultimate throwdown!  Today, we pit two of the best financial tools against each other to see who comes out on top. That’s right, we are going to compare and Personal Capital to see which free tool is better!  I got this idea back when someone basically asked me: “…

Simple Savings Sunday – The Lowest Price Isn’t Always the Best Price

Simple Savings Sunday – The Lowest Price Isn’t Always the Best Price

Welcome to another edition of Simple Savings Sunday! I love these little tidbits of savings advice as much as the next person. I really do!  Today is going to be one that might confuse some of you and it’s about shopping for the lowest price. Now, I’m not saying shopping for the “best” price, but…

I’m a Money Hoarder!

I’m a Money Hoarder!

I have a confession my friends.  It’s not something I’m really happy about, but the truth hurts sometimes. I have a problem and I’m working hard to fix it. I’m a hoarder, everyone. Yes, that’s right, I hoard, but not things, just money!  I’m a money hoarder and I’m working to change it.  While it… Smartcam Review – Wireless Monitoring Camera
| Smartcam Review – Wireless Monitoring Camera

As a fan of both DIY and technology, I will always jump at the chance to review and test wireless video monitoring equipment. Luckily for me, that chance came up recently. There is a new product on the market to jump into the wireless monitoring arena. DXG has created their Smartcam product line to compete with the likes of Dropcam and D-Link. I enjoy competition as it allows for people to make an educated guess on what is the best. I have had a Dropcam for some time and have enjoyed it. There are some quirks, so this Smartcam review will be based on a comparison between the two.

It’s All in Your Head: Why a Scarcity Mindset Is Keeping You Poor

It’s All in Your Head: Why a Scarcity Mindset Is Keeping You Poor

You’re frustrated at the end of the month because it feels like every penny you make goes toward paying bills, and you have nothing to show for your hard work. You see things that you would like to have, seemingly frivolous items like designer shoes or a new television, and walk away, thinking that because you don’t have the money now, you won’t ever be able to have what you want. You’re jealous of others. While it’s true that basic necessities like food and shelter cost more than ever, the real reason that most people aren’t achieving wealth goals has nothing to do with how much money is in the bank. It has to do with how they think about money.

Six Home Improvements That Can Add Value When You Sell

Six Home Improvements That Can Add Value When You Sell

One of the popular ways to build long-term wealth is to own your own home. While simply owning a home and paying down a mortgage over time will lead a significant amount of wealth creation, those that are looking to maximize the amount of equity that they could ultimately have in their homes should look for ways to improve their home. Those that are looking for home improvement projects to consider, here are six specific home improvements that could add the most amount of value to your home when you ultimately try to sell your home.

American Express Personal Savings Review – A Good Option

American Express Personal Savings Review – A Good Option

As a reformed spender, I love the opportunity to save money. Unfortunately for all of us savers, the economy is not really geared to rewarding us for holding onto our money. Even with low interest rates, I still love to save money and want to tell you about the American Express personal savings account. One of my goals is to give my readers options on where they store their cash. I am a big proponent of spreading your liquid assets in different places, so adding another savings account is no big thing for me. I am also a big fan of American Express, because they are the holder of one of my favorite cash back credit cards. Since my large banks are giving their savings customers a paltry 0.10%, anything better than that is good for everyone!