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Six Home Improvements That Can Add Value When You Sell

Six Home Improvements That Can Add Value When You Sell

One of the popular ways to build long-term wealth is to own your own home. While simply owning a home and paying down a mortgage over time will lead a significant amount of wealth creation, those that are looking to maximize the amount of equity that they could ultimately have in their homes should look for ways to improve their home. Those that are looking for home improvement projects to consider, here are six specific home improvements that could add the most amount of value to your home when you ultimately try to sell your home.

American Express Personal Savings Review – A Good Option

American Express Personal Savings Review – A Good Option

As a reformed spender, I love the opportunity to save money. Unfortunately for all of us savers, the economy is not really geared to rewarding us for holding onto our money. Even with low interest rates, I still love to save money and want to tell you about the American Express personal savings account. One of my goals is to give my readers options on where they store their cash. I am a big proponent of spreading your liquid assets in different places, so adding another savings account is no big thing for me. I am also a big fan of American Express, because they are the holder of one of my favorite cash back credit cards. Since my large banks are giving their savings customers a paltry 0.10%, anything better than that is good for everyone!

Insurance Basics – Spreading Risk

Insurance Basics – Spreading Risk

Insurance is on the forefront of everyone’s thoughts these days. With the new healthcare roll out in the US, people are wanting to know more about insurance. Insurance is actually a pretty easy topic to understand, but there are still people out there that don’t carry any insurance or just don’t really know how it actually works. I am going to go over the simple basics of insurance and how it works, just on a top level. There are many forms of insurance, which include health, car, home, marine, business, life, banking, and many more. Insurance is a part of our life, so we should take just a little time to understand how it works.

Why You Should Choose a Local Appliance Store

Why You Should Choose a Local Appliance Store

There comes a time in all of our lives that we have to make large purchases. Let’s face it, that is just how our lives work right now. Our modern lives demand dishwashers, refrigerators, washing machines and dryers. When we find ourselves looking to buy a new appliance, we shop around. We read the reviews, we analyze the reports, and we watch the sales. Here is my story about why you shouldn’t go with the lowest price, but shop based on the type of service that you will receive after the purchase is made.

Love and Money – An Internal Debate

Love and Money – An Internal Debate

I have been following the questions posed by Chase Bank back in February about average couples. It is pretty much about love and money. I answered the questions in my head, but not on here because I found one question that I wanted to dig into deeper. I have been having an internal debate about this question. There are some people on the side of a simple yes. They would pay off their spouse’s debt if they had it. They feel that their money is together. Some feel it is part of being married. I, on the other hand, don’t know what I would do, but I lean very much toward no. I think this question is conditional. Let me explain my reasons.


As a personal finance blogger, I have used or tested quite a few tools and resources in order to help me get to my main financial goals.  There are so many websites out there that it can be hard to choose.  I wanted to personally hand select some of the helpful money tools for you, so…

When Did Banks Stop Accepting Coin Deposits?

When Did Banks Stop Accepting Coin Deposits?

I have been working hard on building my emergency fund, so I figured I would finally cash in my coins. I have slowly built up my coins by just adding them into a large wine bottle (a really large bottle) over time. I didn’t pay attention to how many coins I have collected over the years, but I think the amount is getting pretty substantial. Instead of using them to purchase things I don’t need, I figured I would deposit them into my savings account. Unfortunately, this hasn’t been as easy as I thought it would be.